Wednesday, February 2, 2011

AskRVExperts - New Website That Pays for Expert Questions and Answers

The website aims to help users from all corners of the Internet quickly find the most accurate information possible about RVs. Members share their RV expertise in exchange for AskRVExperts Dollars, a virtual currency that can be used both within the AksRVExperts E-Store and around the site.

All information you find on AskRVExperts is created and curated by members of the AskRVExperts Community. Members of the community can ask questions, provide expert answers and rate the quality of answers. The author of a question picks the best answer given and the author of the best answer is rewarded in AskRVExperts Dollars. The more quality answers given by a member the more he is rewarded. Not only is there a monetary benefit but members also gain “status” by a rating system.

The idea is to have the AskRVExperts community judge answers to member questions to get the best and most helpful answers possible. It is a wisdom of the crowd knowledge base you can count on to get your RV questions answered quickly and accurately. Anybody can sign up and participate at AskRVExperts and every expertise and viewpoint is welcome.

So browse on over to AskRVExperts, ask some questions, and get paid for your expert answers!